eLaboratory Systems / HL7 Integration

eLaboratory Systems / HL7 Integration

eLaboratory System is a web-based Software, which is lab information system that offers a set of key features that support a modern Laboratory operations. Those key features include — but are not limited to — workflow and data tracking support, flexible architecture, and smart data exchange interfaces, which fully "support its use in regulated environments." The features and uses of an eLaboratory have evolved over the years from simple sample tracking to an enterprise resource planning tool that manages multiple aspects of Laboratory informatics.



eLaboratory is an evolving concept, with new features and functionality being added often. As Laboratory demands change and technological progress continues, the functions of an eLaboratory will likely also change. Despite these changes, an eLaboratory tends to have a base set of functionality that defines it. That functionality can roughly be divided into five Laboratory processing phases, with numerous eLaboratory software functions falling under each:

  • the reception and log in of and its associated customer data
  • the assignment, scheduling, and tracking of the sample and the associated analytical workload
  • the processing and quality control associated with the sample and the utilized equipment and inventory
  • the storage of data associated with the sample analysis
  • the inspection, approval, and compilation of the sample data for reporting and/or further analysis

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There are several pieces of core functionality associated with these Laboratory processing phases that tend to appear in e Laboratory:

Sample management

A lab worker matches blood samples to documents. With an e Laboratory, this sort of sample management is made more efficient.

The core function of eLaboratory has traditionally been the management of samples. This typically is initiated when a sample is received in the Laboratory, at which point the sample will be registered in the eLaboratory. The processing could then include a step where the sample container is registered and sent to the customer for the sample to be taken and then returned to the lab. The registration process may involve the sample and producing to affix to the sample container. Various other parameters such as clinical or information corresponding with the sample are also often recorded. The eLaboratory system then tracks chain of custody as well as sample location. Location tracking usually involves assigning the sample to a particular freezer location, often down to the granular level of shelf, rack, box, row, and column.

Instrument and application integration

eLaboratory offer an increasing amount of integration with lab instruments and applications. An e Laboratory may create control files that are "fed" into the instrument and direct its operation on some physical item such as a sample tube or sample plate. The eLaboratory may then import instrument results files to extract data for quality control assessment of the operation on the sample. Access to the instrument data can sometimes be regulated based on chain of custody assignments or other security features if need be.

Additional functions

Aside from the key functions of sample management, instrument and application integration, and electronic data exchange, there are numerous additional operations that can be managed in a eLaboratory. This includes but is not limited to

eLaboratory Systems / HL7 Integration Bottom

eLaboratory Systems / HL7 Integration Bottom

Audit Management

Fully track and maintain an audit trail

Barcode Handling

Assign one or more data points to a barcode format; read and extract information from a barcode

Chain of Custody

Assign roles and groups that dictate access to specific data records and who is managing them


Follow regulatory standards that affect the eLaboratory

Customer Relationship Management

Handle the demographic information and communications for associated clients

Document Management

Process and convert data to certain formats; manage how documents are distributed and accessed

Instrument Calibration and Maintenance

Schedule important maintenance and calibration of lab instruments and keep detailed records of such activities

Inventory and Equipment Management

Measure and record inventories of vital supplies and ELABORATORY equipment

Manual and Electronic Data Entry

Provide fast and reliable interfaces for data to be entered by a human or electronic component

Method Management

Provide one location for all ELABORATORY process and procedure (P&P) and methodology to be housed and managed as well as connecting each sample handling step with current instructions for performing the operation

Personnel and Workload Management

Organize work schedules, workload assignments, employee demographic information, training, and financial information

Quality Assurance and Control

Gauge and control sample quality, data entry standards, and workflow


Create and schedule reports in a specific format; schedule and distribute reports to designated parties

Time Tracking

Calculate and maintain processing and handling times on chemical reactions, workflows, and more


show audit trail and/or chain of custody of a sample


Track a sample, a batch of samples, or a "lot" of batches through its lifecycle